Pizzle puzzle

How to cook a stag penis? Not a question I’d ever seriously pondered, until I inadvertently acquired four of them, and had to find a way. You can read about my adventures in the latest issue of Lucky Peach or on Buzzfeed here…

Lucky Peach is a little hard to find in the UK, but I know Foyles in London’s Charing Cross Road stocks it, and you can also buy it on Amazon.

Here is the Amazon link:

5 Responses to “Pizzle puzzle”

  1. Evan!

    enjoyed this article. the entire “for women!” half of this issue was excellent, in fact.

  2. Ian Hoare

    Chuckle… How does one “inadvertently acquire four Stags penises”? I think we should be told.

  3. FoodCrafters

    Such a great article Fuchsia, we loved it!

    To be fair, I believe it’s easier to find Lucky Peach than edible penises in the UK… We found ours at Magma books on Clerkenwell road near Holborn (we’re talking about the Lucky Peach copy, just in case… 🙂 )

  4. Eric Rector

    And in latest (Street Food) issue of Lucky Peach I very much enjoyed your piece on the inscrutable Opka Hesir sausage and boiled lung dish from Xinjiang. I saw this at the market in Urumqi our first night right after we had supper, so I didn’t try it, thinking I would see it again. Unfortunately we didn’t see it in the Toksun market later on. Thank you for describing its preparation; I have only eaten unstuffed boiled lung, which is a lot like mushrooms…something to look forward to on our next visit.

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